“The most important things in life are the connections you make with others!”
Brandon Barber Coaching hosted our Christmas luncheon yesterday, complete with Christmas Crackers (of course we had to bring those because Michelle is from England), and a Yule Log. It was not traditional Christmas food, unless of course you remember the Christmas meal they had on Christmas Story…PF Changs was delicious 😉
The white elephant was a success, and pretty much everyone got something they liked…especially the Unicorn headphones, fairy lights, Star Wars bouquet, and the Poo-pourri!
Our Facebook group has grown a lot in the last month and we continue to host Facebook Lives, post videos and interact with all our members. If you haven’t joined yet, here’s the link for you to subscribe. It is a private coaching group for those who are really interested in taking on their own lives and helping anyone on their team or even just at home (who couldn’t use a little help? I know I can!) . Click here if you want to join today.
Since we have been talking about “Connecting with Others” in the Facebook group, we thought it would be appropriate to write a little about it on the blog as well…
We posted about Intrinsic Validation, and how showing up with Empathy is vital in all our connections. Listening to hear rather than to respond, is the key to understanding, being present and creating stronger bonds with our friends, clients, and our significant others! When we really step into someone else’s world, they feel safer, more eager to respond and validated. Whether you are an employer, employee, spouse, friend, mother, father, son, daughter it doesn’t matter – we as human beings crave connections with others, and those connections always feel so much more secure and happy when we feel that we are important. It sounds simple, yet I know there are times when I don’t always practice all the techniques available to make my connections the strongest. What I have found is that when I practice listening more to understand, validation and empathy, the relationships that are created or nurtured always end up being the strongest of all the relationships I have. What have you got to lose? Give it a try…
Of course, these techniques are only a snippet of what we have been providing in our Facebook group – we have also included some couples videos, talking about intimate relationships as well as working with a spouse…all tricky but fun topics.
Again, if you are not already a member, you really should click the link above and subscribe today!
We wish you a wonderful Holiday Season, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!