The Relationship Formula Virtual

The Relationship Formula Virtual


Are you in a Relationship that seems to have lost its Spark or Passion?

Do you want to take your Relationship from just OK to EXCEPTIONAL?

Then you’re going to want to keep reading…

You see, we know that if you’re not WORKING on your RELATIONSHIP, then you are WORKING on your DIVORCE!

Do you find yourself feeling resentful, bitter or just plain unhappy with your significant other?

Do you want to know if you are Masculine or Feminine at your core and learn how to live in that place?

Do you want to create a Raving Fan Culture in your relationship so you can have a Chemical Romance?

Do you want to rebuild theTrust and Love you had when you met?

Do you want to learn to see life through the other person’s lens?



Couples work is now roughly 75% effective.
75% of people who do relationship work report it being highly effective.
59% improvement as a result of counseling.
91% improvement as a result of coaching.
Coaching provided a 32% greater value than counseling.

~Source: American Psychological Association.

So, how do you know if you need to join us at this Virtual Event created exclusively for couples?  Well…


  • Are in a relationship that is not meeting your expectations?
  • Need a greater awareness in your relationship
  • Need tools to create an exceptional intimate relationship
  • Need to start recognizing the gratitude for your significant other
  • Crave a relationship built on trust


  • Learn how to more effectively communicate with your significant other
  • Recognize triggers and eliminate the control they have in your relationship
  • Learn how to recognize and eliminate expectations that are sabotaging
  • Empower yourself to take ownership of your part in the relationship




Come and Join us for a Weekend full of Relationship Breakthroughs…

Trust us…you will be glad you did!

Top 5 Ways to get Unstuck in your Business

Top 5 Ways to get Unstuck in your Business




The amazing thing about running your own business is that you get to do it however you want, but that is also one of the things that causes a lot of entrepreneurs to get stuck and not know how to move forward!

So, before we start digging into how you can get UNSTUCK, let’s find out if you really are STUCK!

The quickest way for you to ask yourself some questions…

1.  Do you feel like you should be further along in your business than you are?
2.  Do you enjoy the day to day working of your business?
3.  Are you able to balance your business & personal life effectively?
4.  Are you able to delegate?

What did you find out?

Are you so attached to the outcome that you can’t enjoy the journey or day to day of working your business?
Do you find yourself working more and more only to feel burned out and want to quit?
Is your to-do list EVERYTHING because you know that if you don’t handle everything then it won’t get done right?

It is so crazy how our thoughts can actually sabotage our own success…

So here are 5 quick ways to get you unstuck:

  1. Focus on Gratitude – what can you be grateful for in this moment?  What about your business is amazing, what does it do for you and your family?
  2. Stop Multi-tasking – it sounds counterintuitive but when we multi-task it mentally drains us, and actually ends us making us LESS productive.  It also takes us out of the present moment, where true joy and gratitude can be found!
  3. Give yourself some grace – how you talk to yourself when you are happy, sad, successful, make a mistakes or fail has a huge impact on your life.  Do you allow yourself to fall down, knowing that it is just a stepping stone to success or do you find yourself talking to yourself the way that you would never let anyone else talk to you?
  4. Empower someone – when the focus shifts from SELF to SERVICE it is much easier to find the good in all you do.  When you allow someone else to serve you by giving them tasks or delegating to them, it makes you a stronger and more relatable leader.
  5. Be authentic – if you want to attract more people to work with you and connect with you, the only way to create real, true connections is by being your authentic self.  People have a hard time relating to people that have “everything together”…it is much easier to connect with someone that makes mistakes, and isn’t afraid to show that they’re not perfect!


These are 5 quick easy steps to get you on track to being unstuck…

Our Breakthrough Coaching program is simple, easy effective and walks you through these 5 steps as well as:

Judgement, expectations, motivation, self-esteem, gratitude, connection, and so many more…


Want to find out more?  Just click here – you can sign up now for our 3 month program for only $497 or 2 payments of $269


New Beginnings

New Beginnings



It seems like at the beginning of every year we talk about resolutions, things we want to change and how we want our lives to improve, but what do we implement to make sure that we actually do make the changes we want to achieve our goals.

Our habits very often have a strong-hold on us, and it is only with repetition, persistence, accountability and passion can we change those habits.  Here at Brandon Barber Coaching we want to help you create sustained passion through accountability.  Holding yourself accountable is vital, but very often not all that is needed to create the life fulfillment and happiness that you need.

We can help you find all of these things and many more:

  1. What is holding you back.
  2. Why you are not finding joy in your journey.
  3. Why happiness isn’t tied to fulfillment.
  4. How you could be sabotaging your own success and happiness.
  5. What limiting beliefs are causing you to be “stuck”.


During the month of January is the perfect time for us to focus on Self-Empowerment, and that is the topic of our videos, posts and Live’s in our Exclusive Facebook Group.  Our Facebook Group has been live now for a little over 2 months – if you’re not part of it, you’re really missing out.  You can click here to choose one of our 2 options to subscribe.  It is a great way to dip your toes into the water of what our coaching looks like with only a small investment.  After all, if you don’t invest in yourself because you’re worth it who will?

Start off 2019 the right way and subscribe to our Facebook Group – it is interactive and perfect for even the busiest of lives!


Brandon Barber Coaching Mindset Makeover

Brandon Barber Coaching Mindset Makeover

Brandon Barber Coaching Mindset Makeover

First things first, we are excited to announce that our Exclusive Facebook Coaching Group was launched just under a month ago and we already have over 70 members.  If you haven’t already subscribed, you need to click here so you’re not missing out on the latest news, coaching tips, live/interactive videos, comments, questions and so much more.  In fact, because we created this Facebook group for YOU we want to know if there are topics, questions or suggestions that you have – so feel free to comment below.  That way we can tailor it to your needs!

In November the theme for the Facebook Group was Finding Joy in the Journey.  We gave coaching tips, insight, answered questions, interacted with our members, as well as posting videos and some Facebook Lives!

What else can you expect?

Coming in November we are going to be covering “Connecting with Others” – who doesn’t need to learn a little more about that?  I know I do!

Stay tuned and check in with our blog as much as possible so you can find out all the latest things events we have coming, you can find out what we have planned for 2019 and so much more.  If you have never been to one of the Brandon Barber Coaching events, if I were you I would find out where there nearest location to you is, and sign up now – click here to link to our Event Page!

Now I may be a little biased but I have been to a lot of sales training, motivational training, NLP trainings and so much more, but I can tell you that what Brandon teaches and not only what he teaches but how he lives his life…well that’s why our marriage works.  He walks the walk (at least 70% of the time 😉 ) and it’s for that reason that his techniques work with all his coaching clients.  All you need to do is look at our website and see the testimonials page.  Those testimonials are only a fraction of the ones he has received, because lives have been CHANGED all across the world!

Whether you work in corporate America, a Multi Level Company or you don’t work, it doesn’t matter.  This is not just a business training, it is a mindset training that helps you reprogram your subconscious in such a way that it helps in EVERY area of your life.  If you don’t believe me, all you need to do is click take our FREE assessment and schedule a 1:1 call to go through the results.
I guarantee it’s not like anything else you will have ever seen!

You know that time when you’re not sure you’re ready for something – that’s the time when you need to do it.  The first step is always the hardest – but that is when you make the commitment to yourself for yourself.  We hope to be hearing from you soon!

Michelle Barber

Get In Touch


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