by Michelle Barber | Oct 11, 2021 | Accountability, Blog, Coaching, Growth, Self Empowerment
We know what the typical meaning behind the acronym GPA is, and that is not what this is!
Not “Income Producing Activities”, but Growth Producing Activities! The kind of activities that are necessary for you to actually achieve any increase in income…but they are the steps we very often forget when we are thinking about what we need to do to make our business stronger!
It may seem like a simple concept, but don’t let that simplicity fool you…
So many people forget the steps necessary to achieve their dreams or goals and the spend the time focusing on the end result rather than the action steps. What we love about GPA’s is that they are mainly focused on service, gratitude and discomfort – which ultimately creates the growth needed!
As you know habits are created by repeating something over and over until they become something we don’t have to think about any more! So why not turn some of these activities into HABITS, and you can first start to do that by spending a week doing at least one of these activities per day…
We KNOW that if you start there, each week after that when you choose to repeat the same actions or activities, they will become easier and easier!
Why not print off this sheet and give it a go?!
What do you have to lose?

If you love what you see here, we would love it if you would share it with those you know could benefit from this post!
Stay tuned for another take on IPA’s over the next week…trust us, the next one is one that is REALLY needed in the world right now!
by Michelle Barber | Oct 4, 2021 | Accountability, Coaching, Events, Joy in the Journey, Leadership, Relationships, Virtual Event
Are you in a Relationship that seems to have lost its Spark or Passion?
Do you want to take your Relationship from just OK to EXCEPTIONAL?
Then you’re going to want to keep reading…
You see, we know that if you’re not WORKING on your RELATIONSHIP, then you are WORKING on your DIVORCE!
Do you find yourself feeling resentful, bitter or just plain unhappy with your significant other?
Do you want to know if you are Masculine or Feminine at your core and learn how to live in that place?
Do you want to create a Raving Fan Culture in your relationship so you can have a Chemical Romance?
Do you want to rebuild theTrust and Love you had when you met?
Do you want to learn to see life through the other person’s lens?

Couples work is now roughly 75% effective.
75% of people who do relationship work report it being highly effective.
59% improvement as a result of counseling.
91% improvement as a result of coaching.
Coaching provided a 32% greater value than counseling.
~Source: American Psychological Association.

So, how do you know if you need to join us at this Virtual Event created exclusively for couples? Well…
- Are in a relationship that is not meeting your expectations?
- Need a greater awareness in your relationship
- Need tools to create an exceptional intimate relationship
- Need to start recognizing the gratitude for your significant other
- Crave a relationship built on trust
- Learn how to more effectively communicate with your significant other
- Recognize triggers and eliminate the control they have in your relationship
- Learn how to recognize and eliminate expectations that are sabotaging
- Empower yourself to take ownership of your part in the relationship

Come and Join us for a Weekend full of Relationship Breakthroughs…
Trust us…you will be glad you did!
by Michelle Barber | May 11, 2021 | Accountability, Blog, Events, Self Empowerment
So, we did a thing…We worked with Sage Events (the company that Tony Robbins uses for all his events), and they helped us create a Virtual Event like none we have EVER done before. We created a Dashboard exclusive to that event where all attendees could access links to the calls, find out what to expect, earn points for prizes, and so much more!

We were really nervous about how it would all turn out, but we know based on the feedback of those that attended, that it was AMAZING!
So, here’s a question…are you going to be joining us on our next Virtual The Power of You June 25th – 27th?
Brandon really brought his energy, and we felt the Breakthroughs. We knew and could feel what people were experiencing and I’ve gotta tell you, it was almost as good as being able to hug and high five everyone in person!
If you hadn’t really thought about attending one of our events, or if you didn’t know anything about it, you owe it to yourself to find out more. Talk to someone you might know who has either been to one of our events or has coached with us, because we know what they’re going to tell you…
They’re going to say to buy your ticket AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so you don’t miss out!
So ASK…find out from those that have worked with us or have attended one of our events…find out what it could mean in YOUR life!
Nothing changes unless YOU DO!!
You can click HERE to register Now!
by Michelle Barber | Feb 22, 2021 | Accountability, Blog, Joy in the Journey, Leadership, Self Empowerment
The amazing thing about running your own business is that you get to do it however you want, but that is also one of the things that causes a lot of entrepreneurs to get stuck and not know how to move forward!
So, before we start digging into how you can get UNSTUCK, let’s find out if you really are STUCK!
The quickest way for you to ask yourself some questions…
1. Do you feel like you should be further along in your business than you are?
2. Do you enjoy the day to day working of your business?
3. Are you able to balance your business & personal life effectively?
4. Are you able to delegate?
What did you find out?
Are you so attached to the outcome that you can’t enjoy the journey or day to day of working your business?
Do you find yourself working more and more only to feel burned out and want to quit?
Is your to-do list EVERYTHING because you know that if you don’t handle everything then it won’t get done right?
It is so crazy how our thoughts can actually sabotage our own success…
So here are 5 quick ways to get you unstuck:
- Focus on Gratitude – what can you be grateful for in this moment? What about your business is amazing, what does it do for you and your family?
- Stop Multi-tasking – it sounds counterintuitive but when we multi-task it mentally drains us, and actually ends us making us LESS productive. It also takes us out of the present moment, where true joy and gratitude can be found!
- Give yourself some grace – how you talk to yourself when you are happy, sad, successful, make a mistakes or fail has a huge impact on your life. Do you allow yourself to fall down, knowing that it is just a stepping stone to success or do you find yourself talking to yourself the way that you would never let anyone else talk to you?
- Empower someone – when the focus shifts from SELF to SERVICE it is much easier to find the good in all you do. When you allow someone else to serve you by giving them tasks or delegating to them, it makes you a stronger and more relatable leader.
- Be authentic – if you want to attract more people to work with you and connect with you, the only way to create real, true connections is by being your authentic self. People have a hard time relating to people that have “everything together”…it is much easier to connect with someone that makes mistakes, and isn’t afraid to show that they’re not perfect!
These are 5 quick easy steps to get you on track to being unstuck…
Our Breakthrough Coaching program is simple, easy effective and walks you through these 5 steps as well as:
Judgement, expectations, motivation, self-esteem, gratitude, connection, and so many more…
Want to find out more? Just click here – you can sign up now for our 3 month program for only $497 or 2 payments of $269
by Michelle Barber | Jan 6, 2021 | Accountability, Self Empowerment
Are you asking yourself “what on earth does failing forward mean?”
It kind of sounds counterintuitive, don’t the words FAILING and FORWARD contradict themselves? How can you possibly be moving forward, but be failing?
Here’s the secret – if you are moving forward there’s a good chance you are going to fail (at least in the traditional sense of the word). But, here’s what we believe…
Failing is actually another word for learning – it allows us to grow, become better and in fact, is the exact reason that we can become successful. If we are moving forward, taking any kind of action, it doesn’t matter if we get it 100% right, because here’s another secret – you can’t course correct or change direction if you are not moving at all. We have heard it said too many times that people don’t want to “do the wrong thing”, “make a mistake”, “go in the wrong direction” or “not do it just right”, when in reality it is actually necessary to do all of those things. How can we possibly know the difference between right and wrong if we have never experienced wrong?
I have told my kids many times that sometimes, even though it’s hard, it’s important to experience things that are not great (a breakup, a bad grade in school, a job you don’t love), so you can then know what you DO want or want to achieve.
I remember when I left High School (in England you leave when you’re 16). I had the choice to go to college, or go and get a job. I decided that I didn’t want any more school – I was DONE with it. I had learned how to type really well in school and had set my sights on getting a job in an office. The experience I had envisioned was nothing like the one I had. I thought I would be the Executive Assistant to the Director, be working directly with him, typing his letters etc…But here’s what it was really like – I was the lowest person on the ladder. I made the tea and coffee and had a girl that was not much older than me that clearly had a superiority complex that liked to demean me and put me down. It didn’t take long for me to decide that this was NOT for me! I set about applying to colleges in the US and the rest is history. My parents knew not to push me that I would figure it out in my own time. They knew me so well, because they knew that I was not going to stay stuck there. Had I not experienced that little “bump in the road”, I don’t think I would be where I am today.
You see, I had taken some action. I had failed (or at least I had found the need to course correct), and found the life I love. I believe 100% that we have control over our own destiny, but first we have to take the first step.
Let me ask – are you ready to FAIL FORWARD? What steps are you willing to take to do it?
Do you consider investing in yourself to be worth your time or effort? We see so many people that put themselves last on a long list and then wonder why they don’t have the energy to pursue their dreams to make their relationships successful.
Is 2021 the year that you decide that enough is enough and course correct your life?
If you want to find out more about how we can help you do that – and trust me, we have done that with over 1,000,000 individuals, then you are going to want to check out our programs and see which one fits YOU!
Click here for info on all the levels of Coaching we offer!
by Michelle Barber | Oct 24, 2019 | Accountability, Blog, Diamond Bound, Events
“The best project you’ll ever work on is YOU!”
Phew! We’ve finally caught our breath after being on the road for the past few weekends at events where we had the pleasure of meeting so many amazing people. A couple of weekends ago was Diamond Bound, and for those of you that were there and had the chance to come say HELLO to us in our booth and listen to Brandon speak, we appreciate you…and look forward to hearing more from you!~
Here are a few pictures from the weekend:

Here are some New exciting things that are happening at Brandon Barber Coaching, we just had to share…

We have posted an amazing new Event that is a COUPLES Retreat in March. This is an event for ANYONE who wants to have an amazing relationship, in fact…here’s what you will learn:
We have also posted a new event in Kansas City, MO, a new event in Edmonton, AB and we have some more in the works. If you are interested in finding out if we are coming somewhere close to you, just click this LINK to go directly to our page…

If you haven’t attended one of our events, you really need to get to one. Real shifts happen, you are taught some tools to take on changing your patterns and we talk about how to maintain the growth through mentorship and coaching – who couldn’t use a little of those?
Our Mindset Makeover private Facebook group is another way to create shifts, maintain growth and accountability – click this LINK to take advantage of our 14 day FREE trial right now!
Have a fabulous week and don’t forget to stay tuned for what is still to come!